Tuesday, October 15, 2019

American us history to 1877 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American us history to 1877 - Essay Example While it could be expected for the government and the system to have certain rights associated with liberty and life, yet the King of Britain was found to incorporate laws that completely restricted the freedom of the colonies of the United States, and the colonies had been patiently suffering. The King had refused his assent to laws that were needed for the benefit of the public as a whole. He also didn’t allow his Governors to pass those laws that were more important needed immediate attention (The Declaration of Independence). The King restricted the accommodation of people from large districts and would allow them only if they renounced the right of representation in the legislature. He chose unusual and uncomfortable locations that were far away from the depository of public records for meetings with legislative bodies intending to exhaust them by making them comply with his measures. He obstructed the laws for Naturalization of Foreigners preventing the population of the States. Not only these, he also affected the independence of the military and civil power (The Declaration of Independence). Considering these above mentioned activities of the King, the Declaration of Independence was written to explain these reasons that restricted the independence of the States and that the States wanted to take measures against such tyranny of the King of Britain. The Representatives of the United States of America thus assembled to the Supreme Judge of the world and wanted their intentions to be supported that were meant for the good of the public in general giving them the right to be free and independent (The Declaration of Independence). From the above study, it could thus be learnt that the Declaration of Independence was written in order to reach out to the common mankind with the injustice and tyranny that they were been targets of under the rule of the then

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